DHCP Log Quieter Patch

This is a very simple patch to dhcpd 2.0b1pl6. All it does is add an option, -ql (quiet log), which turns off the volumes of information that dhcpd normally sends to syslog. Errors and warnings are still logged, but it no longer logs every single client request. It has not been extensively tested, but it works on my system, serving about 300 clients.

This was written against Red Hat Linux 6.0. I have not tested it on other platforms. The patch is simple enough that I can't imagine how it would fail to work anywhere. But things often fail in ways you didn't imagine...

dhcpd-quiet-log.patch - patch against dhcp-2.0b1pl6-6 as shipped with Red Hat Linux 6.0 (13k)

dhcp-2.0b1pl6-6.1.i386.rpm - binary RPM for the Intel platform (266k)

dhcp-2.0b1pl6-6.1.src.rpm - source RPM (89k)

Last updated: 8/30/1999
graham (at) mhn.org